He-Man is back, baby, and he brought with him a killer line of toys to boot. If you’ve yet to check them out yet, or haven’t added them to your wish list, read on to find out why the He-Man Revelation figures are some of the best toys around.
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Our Review
If the plan is to build a He-Men Revelation collection, starting with the man himself is the way to go.
Although Mattel may not be many collectors’ first choice when it comes to six-inch figures, the whole Revelation line absolutely rocks, and the He-Man Revelation He-Man Figure nails everything it needs to.
In terms of articulation, what you’d expect from a modern is there. Shoulder swivels, elbow and knee joints, full head rotation – everything you’d want for creating killer poses is present.
He-Man comes with a shield, sword, and two extra hands – the full set being an open palm, closed fist, and two hands for holding.
While I have been hands-on with the figures in the wave, I haven’t had a chance to check out the He-Man Revelation He-Man Figure. That said, just look at it. It’s amazing.
This thing is as deluxe as they come. When I was a kid, Battle Cat didn’t have any articulation, and as The Toys That Made Us revealed, that toy was actually just a mass-produced Mattel tiger with a set of armor attached.
The new version features full articulation in the joints, neck, paws, and even the mouth opens. The armor is removable, as you’d expect, as well.
If you pick up the He-Man figure in this wave, do yourself a favor and grab the Battle Cat figure. It is unreal how much of a massive improvement on the original this figure is.
The He-Man Revelation Skeletor Figure is darn-near perfect. Seriously, if there’s one figure from this range you grab, it’s this.
The more realistic skull (rather than the weird yellow in ye olde He-Man show) really adds to the overall aesthetic. This is a figure that’s just screaming out to be displayed if that’s your thing.
What’s especially clever is how Mattel has implemented the cape. Rather than going for one piece that goes over the head and back, Mattel has broken it down into several sections. The main cape is material while the hood is plastic and attached directly to the head. The advantage of this is the head can still be turned in different directions and isn’t hindered by being anchored to the whole cape. I’ve seen figures in the Hasbro Marvel Legends range opt for an all-in-one plastic cape and the head movement is awful, so props where it’s due.
In terms of accessories, Skeletor comes with four hands – open, pointing, fist, and one for holding weapons – his trademark skull staff, and a staff I’m yet to find a use for.
The first thing I did with the He-Man Revelation Evil-Lyn Figure is ditch the traditional head. I know that’s sacrilege to someone, somewhere, who’s now screaming at their laptop, but hey, the alt head sculpt is really freaking good.
The Evil-Lyn figure has a lot going for it. In terms of design, Evil-Lyn has the most layers, resulting in a ridiculous amount of detail. She also comes with the most accessories in the form of four hands, two staffs, the aforementioned extra head, and a satchel – the latter of which can get in the way of the alt head but it’s not enough of an issue to be a major gripe.
The best part? Mattel mixed it up with the hands. Instead of the usual fist and open hands, Mattel went with a magic casting hand, which opens a whole new world of posing possibilities.
Honestly, it’s those little touches that really make this whole line so desirable.
I was not expecting this in the slightest but my favorite of the He-Man Revelation figures is Moss Man. I know! Who saw that coming?
The brilliance of the Moss Man figure is just how detailed it is. Every inch features the moss effect detail work and the result is a truly unique figure.
Not only that, Mattel really gambled with the design. Moss Man comes with four hands as you’d expect, sure, but he also comes with a vine accessory you can plant in the hand slot. This one hand lifts the overall figure into the stratosphere. It’s beyond cool, and while it is a pain to get the stand up by itself, simply because of how long the vine hand is, when you finally get the balance right, this thing looks amazing in a collection.
Seriously, if you were going to skip on Moss Man, don’t. It’s the best figure in the wave and one that looks great on display.