DeliverySafe is hailed as “the new modern mailbox,” but this package delivery box does much more than hold your mail. With its cavernous insulated interior and robust construction, the innovative delivery box simultaneously guards against food spoilage and package theft while you’re away.
We chatted with the company’s co-founder, Adam Schumacher, to learn more about this innovative delivery storage solution.
What Is DeliverySafe?
DeliverySafe is a lockable insulated delivery box that can hold several large grocery bags or meal kit deliveries from services such as Freshly, Purple Carrot, Home Chef and more. There’s ample horizontal storage space to fit several packages from your online shopping sprees. This outdoor parcel box is also highly secure and minimizes the risk of package theft.
Time is of the essence when it comes to food and meal kit deliveries. This is where DeliverySafe’s hefty construction and insulation really shines.
According to Schumacher, third-party testing confirmed that DeliverySafe maintained a similar temperature range as the average household refrigerator for up to eight hours. If you’re concerned about your food spoiling while you’re out, you can order ice packs through the DeliverySafe website. Another option is a car fridge freezer.
DeliverySafe isn’t cheap, but many satisfied customers agree it’s worth the splurge knowing their precious deliveries are safe. If you’re not already shopping for groceries or household products online, you may find yourself doing just that in a matter of years.
Online grocery sales are expected to grow to around $250 billion by 2025, according to Progressive Grocer. The numbers are similarly impressive for the future of the global e-commerce economy as well, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.1 percent between 2018 and 2025, according to Cart Coin.
How Does DeliverySafe Work?
Schumacher’s own frustrations in the shipping industry helped spark the concept behind DeliverySafe. “Having previously been a high volume direct-to-consumer shipper, I saw the opportunity to solve for the last foot of deliveries,” he explained. As someone who has helped get packages to consumers and enjoys package and meal kit deliveries himself, Schumacher is keenly aware of some of these common frustrations on both sides.
Instead of potentially burdening the consumer and delivery service with a product that was too difficult to use, Schumacher kept it simple and user-friendly on both ends. “Home security systems, such as doorbell cameras and alarms, can only do so much to deter package theft – we wanted to create a solution that could actually prevent package theft,” he said.
Each home delivery box has a sleek and efficient keypad that’s secure and easy to program. You’ll start by setting a code of your choice between four and 15 digits long. It’s up to you to decide who can see the code, such as your Amazon or FedEx driver. To make this process even safer, you’ll need to have a user profile with these delivery services. If you don’t, someone from DeliverySafe can walk you through the quick and simple setup process.
How Secure Is DeliverySafe?
DeliverySafe can’t fully protect against package theft, but the company has put as many measures into place as possible to discourage potential porch pirates. For example, only you and the people you’ve chosen to receive the code can open the package delivery box. An audible alert will sound if someone attempts to enter the wrong code. There’s a manual key slot in case someone forgets the code.
With a total weight of just over 60 pounds, DeliverySafe isn’t the easiest home package delivery box to steal. The outdoor parcel box ships with anchor attachments for concrete and wood surfaces for additional security. All of the necessary hardware is included. It takes about 30 minutes to anchor the package delivery box to your porch or driveway.
The lid securely latches shut as soon as it’s closed, which makes it nearly impossible for curious kids and pets to get inside the box. In the rare chance that does happen, there’s a glow-in-the-dark manual pull tab on the inside of the lid.
Can I Leave DeliverySafe Outside?
DeliverySafe is designed for year-round outdoor use, regardless of where you live. This secure package delivery box is made with weatherproof materials to protect against the sun, snow and rain.
How Much Does Deliverysafe Cost?
Depending on the extent of your online grocery shopping and the length of time before you can retrieve your groceries from the package lock box, you can choose between Standard and Ice Pack boxes. The only difference between the two is that one comes with ice packs.
Order the Standard model for $499 or with ice packs for $549.
Is DeliverySafe worth It?
If you frequently order large amounts of groceries and packages, we think DeliverySafe is well worth the splurge if you need a secure package delivery box to store your goods until you’re home.
This outdoor parcel box works equally well for storing groceries as it does for keeping packages safe while you’re away. The company has paid close attention to the demands of consumers and those in the package delivery business to create a secure and user-friendly product for both sides.
Not sure whether DeliverySafe is right for you? Consider this sobering statistic. A survey by Security.org found that nearly four in 10 people have had their packages stolen. The same source also suggests that eight in 10 Americans already do at least some of their shopping online.
As online package and grocery shopping increases, so does the risk for food spoilage and package theft. Knowing that your deliveries are secure until you can get to them can really put your mind at ease.
How Do I Order DeliverySafe?
Head to the DeliverySafe website to get started. You’ll find two options: Standard and Ice Packs. The ice packs will keep online grocery and meal kit deliveries even colder for longer than the standard box. If you anticipate regular food deliveries when you’re away at work, the ice packs are a worthwhile investment.
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